Jar of Hearts, by Jennifer Hillier

This is a fast-paced thriller and I really enjoyed it. The beginning starts off strong with hard evidence proving Geo helped, in some way, with the murder her best friend, Angela, when she was in high school. How would you be able to explain helping cover up the murder of your best friend fourteen years ago in high school after a party? With your boyfriend? Buried in your backyard? The body dismembered?

“It wasn’t just Angela who died that night. Part of Geo did, too, and she’s long suspected it was the best part of her.”

“Back and forth and back again, the saw tore her best friend open. She heard the moment when saw hit bone. It made a scraping sound.”

The whole time I was trying to decide if I liked Geo or not, and what the motive was. There are jail scenes, court room excitement, and teenage drama that all add up to a tangled network of secrets that lead to the truth of Angela’s murder. The truth isn’t fully revealed until the end; so, the reader must piece the entire story together page by page.

Since the murder of Geo’s best friend, Angela, happened in high school, all the flashbacks occur during their time as teenagers in high school. The attitudes, relationships, and choices made while teenagers were definitely reflective of their youth and development.

There were a few twists during the last half that made that portion more of a page turner. As you are getting to the end, more information is revealed that creates for a sobering ending. Although I was able to figure some things out, I wasn’t able predict everything. However, there were some things I felt seem far-fetched.

Within the first 30 or so pages there is a rape scene, and it will not be the last. There is a lot of sex and details regarding sex. Abusive relationships is also a notably detailed.

Taken from Jennifer Hillier’s website.

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