The Wife and the Widow, by Christian White

“If they didn’t talk about the monsters in this world, then they wouldn’t be ready for them when they jumped out from under the bed.”

Chapters alternate between The Widow, Kate, and The Wife, Abby.
Within the few first chapters, Kate’s husband goes missing without a trace. She finds out he quit his job months earlier without telling her and lied about the trip he was supposed to be on. Where is he? Why did he lie? What is he hiding?“…are some monsters better left hidden.”
Abby’s chapters start off slower in the beginning. But then a something happens on the island she lives on and she notices that her husband has began to act different. Does he have something to do with Kate’s husband’s disappearance? What is he hiding?

As a reader, I kept trying to piece the connection together between the two of them (Kate and Abby). I had so many guesses. But when it hits you, it hits you HARD! O-m-g.

“What now? she thought. What the fuck now?”

The suspense was incredible and I could not put it down. This is not your average mystery/thriller; there is a powerful message buried in the end that surpasses just a thriller ….and I recommend it!
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy. Opinions are my own.

Visit Affirm Press to read more.

Read Christian White’s top tips for authors and screenwriters.

Christian White is the co-creator for the thriller series on Netflix, Clickbait.

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